A New Year … and Now A New Blog

Last September, I finally made the big jump. I left my post at a full-time consulting firm in Boston and decided to head off to business school and law school. Like most students, I saw school as the perfect opportunity to pursue my dreams and eventually make my way to the top.

But at the same time, I felt compelled to start a blog so I should share my experiences with others. Like many new endeavors, the blog was both more fun and more work than I expected.  So I decided to put together a site and spread the word a bit and worked hard to keep posting.  Soon found that I really enjoyed the process, and  I became committed to keeping it running.

Change Is Good
Six months later–and just a few weeks ago today–I came to the realization that my blog was reaching a bit of a transition point. Although my site was only about six months old, I decided I needed a better website to host it on given the number of visitors I was attracting and given recent challenges I came across with the old host site. I also thought my blog was starting to feel a bit more focused over time. So I thought I take a step back and then try to adapt the content a bit in order to best serve me and my readers.

So What’s New?
1. So here’s what new: First, I’m hoping to put a lot more effort into writing about the readers want.  Feedback from readers suggests that you’d like more answers to questions. So I invite you to send all your questions about Northwestern, whether about admissions, about law or business school generally, about the recruiting processes that happen here, or  career options stemming from both.

2. Next, I also hope to better balance the amount of tactical information I write about better with the higher level advice that I enjoy. In past posts, I’ve usually posted about one or the other, but I look forward to telling more integrated stories and sharing other types of information.

3. I’ve noticed that many of my readers visit pretty frequently. So I’ll try to balance my longer more interesting articles, with shorter ones to keep the content moving.  To do this, I’ll integrate shorter posts about activities and events here on campus as well as links to related news stories and articles.

4. As you may have noticed, three themes have really emerged on my site,  and I intend to keep incorporating them heavily into my writing. 1) The differing values and skills that JDs and MBAs bring to the table, and how they can work together to achieve better results. 2)  The importance of good leadership in the workplace and some of my reflections on the topic  3) The idea that “business is human” and that financial decisions and human resources decisions don’t always have to be so disparate.

But don’t get me wrong. despite my idea to focus, I’m pretty certain my new site will still evolve over time. In fact, I I hope that it does.  But hopefully those twists and turns will be learning experiences and they will both provide me with some pretty good life lessons and with the stories to narrate here on my website.

And in the end, I hope the blog will become valuable to more and more people, and I hope that the benefits bestowed up my reader’s will be just as great as the rewarding experience I’ve had as a student and as a journaler. I look forward to sharing my experiences along the way.  Stay tuned ! And post a comment or two to let me know what you think.

Friday, January 15th, 2010 Leadership

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5 Comments to A New Year … and Now A New Blog

January 17, 2010

Jeremy, the new site looks really good. Good luck!

Jeremy C Wilson
January 17, 2010

Thanks. I hope you keep reading!

[…] oL Sue provided her take on how to tackle the LSAT assumption questions. 0L Ricky Nelson was grateful to his parents for their financial backup, but felt guilty that not all future law students had similar support. 1L Anonymous participated in 3 summer job interviews in 18 hours. NYU ‘12 Invisible Man sarcastically suggested that changing how one refers to their studies will make them more important. Miami ‘12 Goateed 1L completed his first week of classes in the new year and turned his attentions to football. NYU ‘12 IDWSJ continued to await his grades from the previous semester, and refused to change his study habits until he knew whether they were helpful or hurtful. NCCU ‘12 TDot’s trial team came in second at the Kilpatrick-Stockton Case Competition. Columbia ‘12 Soleil was not overly pleased with her first Legal Practice Workshop assignment, and accidentally missed one of her morning classes. The new year saw Northwestern ‘12 Jeremy make a few changes to his blog, which included more posts and tactical advice. […]

Nicole W
January 24, 2010

Loving the new site Jeremy! Keep having fun with it.

Jeremy C Wilson
January 24, 2010

Hi Nicole, thanks so much for finding my blog. And thanks for your comment. It definitely took some serious time to spruce up the new site, but it’s definitely worth it now that I’ve made it this far. I plan to continue improving my site throughout the year, and will definitely be posting regularly. Be sure to check back when you have time.

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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