Ask Jeremy: “Can you give me some interview advice?”
In a recent question, a reader asked me about interviewing. Specifically, the reader is interviewing for both jobs and possibly for MBA programs.
See below for the question and below that for my video response.
Hi Jeremy,
Congratulations on all of your success! Thank you for the website as well. I am looking to join an MBA program and also doing some interviewing for jobs currently. I wanted to ask about specific challenges to expect during the interview process, and also ask for any tips you might be willing to share. What were some of the key things that you thought helped you enter the program? Thank you.
See below for my video response.
In short, I talk a little about 1) Framing your answer, 2) Content of your answer, 3) tips on interview style and 4) general tips.  Note that the answer here is pretty high level given the general nature of the question.
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