Merger Article: Reflecting on the 2010-2011 School Year at Kellogg

To the second year Kellogg students from the class of 2011 that will graduate in two weeks, congratulations! What a wonderful achievement! To the class of 2012 about to head off to your summer internships, congrats on finishing your first year, and best of luck for the summer. As a current MBA student, I can’t say enough about how unique the MBA experience is. For many it’s the long-awaited gateway to a new career. For others, it’s a way to learn more about not only about the world but also about yourself. And for some, it’s considered to be the most transformative two years of their lives. But no matter which camp you fit into, it’s important to reflect on the year. And just a few weeks ago, the Merger selected me to write the “Year in Review” article where I talked about just that.

In just two short days, the last version of the 2010-2011 Merger will become available. For the past year, I’ve written articles in each of the newspapers, andI had the great fortune of being asked to write one of the “year in reflection” articles for this edition. Not only was it a great chance to reflect on the past year, but also a chance to challenge the students and myself to do great things after Kellogg.

See below for the article.




Title: Reflecting on the 2010-2011 School Year

Author: Jeremy C. Wilson

2010 was an interesting year. Most of us left high-paying banking and consulting jobs and finally decided to return to business school. And what timing! The financial crisis was finally starting to fade and the prospects of recovery left the business world enormously hopeful. At the same time, the nomination of Sally Blount as the first female Dean of Kellogg had just made business news history.  Many of us were excited to be back in the classroom during such interesting times, especially as we knew the markets were recovering just in time to land our dream jobs at business school.

But one thing we didn’t know is that many of us would also be scrambling in business school. Many of us had to scramble to learn accounting and finance since it was our first time ever taking the classes.  Others of us scrambled to stay awake in DECS and MECN, after spending the night before prepping for upcoming job interviews. And some of us scrambled all year trying to figure out exactly what our dream job was, or if that job even existed.

And so that leads me to the million-dollar question today. The one question that’s been on everyone’s mind since last August. What is the best opportunity to pursue at Kellogg? And what can I do to ensure that I maximize my success?

Having heard from a lot of successful alum over the past year, there’s a variety of things go into it.  Getting started early, laying the groundwork, putting yourself in the right position at the right time, knowing how to seize opportunities, and most of all having passion.

Because making it all the way to the top is hard; and the competition can be stiff. We all saw it in our core classes at Kellogg and during recruiting. Someone always knew more, someone always worked harder, and someone always practiced more cases. Every time. It was inevitable.

But business school is a piece of cake if you compare it to becoming world class at the professional level. Coming up with the idea for the next big internet start-up, becoming a Fortune 500 CEO, winning a seat in congress, or being part of the deal team that takes Facebook public.  In fact, statistically speaking, you have a better shot of becoming a professional athlete.

In a recent talk few weeks ago, Jonathan Reckford, CEO for Habitat for Humanity emphasized that same point. That it’s not just about going to the best school or getting the good grades.  But that made it to his position because he figured out his “professional purpose” and did everything he could to pursue it.

Jim Hendry, the General Manager of the Chicago Cubs agreed when he spoke in my Sports Leadership class. That it takes 1,000 little things to go right to make it to the top, so passion for your industry more than anything else makes the difference.  Because if you’re not ready to go all out, then you’re not taking the big risks, and you’re not making the sacrifices. He noted that he turned down a job that paid nearly three times as much, just before landing his GM role in Chicago.

There are plenty of MBAs from all the top schools that face this same dilemma. They get good grades and work at “top” firms but don’t have passion. So they never become the Managing Partner, can’t land a coveted CEO role, and can’t garner the support to fund their political campaign.

Don’t get me wrong.  The majority of Kellogg alumni go on to lead highly successful lives by almost every possible measure. Good jobs. High incomes. Happy families. And I have no doubt that all of us will achieve the same upon graduation. But for just for one minute, I’m talking about something a little more. Like creating the social network that becomes Silicon Valley’s most admired company. Being the first female to Dean at two top business schools. Or best of all, figuring out a strategy to capture the world’s most wanted criminal after eight years.

So for just one moment, what’s more important than heading off top firms for the summer is that we all take a moment to reflect on all the lessons we’ve learned in our first year at Kellogg.  Furthermore, we should also understand that to achieve our utmost success, it’s imperative that we spend next year uncovering our deepest passions and doing everything we can to relentlessly pursue them. Only then will we be able to put all of our talents to their best use and unlock our greatest potential for change.


Please let me know what you think. I welcome all comments and all feedback.

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011 Business School, Careers, Law School

16 Comments to Merger Article: Reflecting on the 2010-2011 School Year at Kellogg

Jeremy C Wilson
June 1, 2011

An email comment from one of my buddies at Kellogg below-

Hey man,

I just read your article re:b-school. Really well written and I enjoyed it a lot! Very cool stuff man…

Take Care

Olutosin Fashusi
June 1, 2011

nice blog post!

Dan Balcauski
June 2, 2011

Wow, just happened to watch an extended dual interview with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates from back in 2007. Check out Jobs response to the first guys question in that clip. Gotta have passion, its key.

Jeremy C Wilson
June 2, 2011

@Olutosin Fashusi Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated!

Jeremy C Wilson
June 2, 2011

@Dan Balcauski Hi Dan, thanks for the reference. I’ll be sure to check out the video soon.

Venita Brown
June 2, 2011

Jeremy, congratulations on writing this article. It was very well written and thought provoking. Nicely done!

Jeremy C Wilson
June 2, 2011

@Venita Brown Thanks. And thank you for reading!

[…] exactly one year ago that he attended LBS’s Admits Weekend.  Meanwhile, Kellogg ’12 Jeremy reflected on the 2010-2011 school year at Kellogg.  IMD ’11 Howie was thrilled to learn that his video submission to the Global Business School […]

Jeremy C Wilson
June 3, 2011

Here is a comment I received about the article on Facebook. It comes from my high school biology teacher: Ms. Lasch

Wonderful article, Jeremy! I think finding your passion is a HUGE challenge for our current crop of young people. As a parent and educator of teenagers, I’m seeing youth that “like” or “dislike” so many things, but aren’t passionate about any of it. Why don’t you develop a plant to cure that???!!

Jeremy C Wilson
June 3, 2011

@Jeremy C Wilson Thanks Ms. Lasch. Your perspective is helpful. As someone studying media and internet, I can also see how it’s a problem. People today spend their time working on multiple platforms and trying to maximize volume, but in the process sacrificing depth. And in that environment, it’s hard to see where passion comes in.

YS Kim
June 4, 2011

Hey Jeremy,

Good work on making it through your first year of Kellogg. I’ve heard that you’re a good essay writer.

Let’s also congratulate our classmates in the JD-MBA program who are going on to awesome summer internships. Perhaps you could include profiles of some of us this summer. I think your readers would be very interested in finding out what kinds of opportunities are available through this program.


Jeremy C Wilson
June 5, 2011

@YS Kim Hey Yei, thanks for visiting and for your comment. A similar topic also came up while talking to JW last week. I think this is a very good idea and something I’d love to work on over the next couple of weeks.

June 19, 2011

Very nice article. I just finished my first year at Ross, and its nice to gain perspective on what other b-school students are thinking. Following the pack is all too easy; I admit that I did this for my internship. Reflection will be key come second year.

Jeremy C Wilson
June 20, 2011

@Andrew Hi Andrew, thanks for taking the time to comment. I agree with you and hope that you find find your niche/passion over the next 12 months before graduation. Best of luck!

[…] CLICK HERE to see the full post. […]

[…] exactly one year ago that he attended LBS’s Admits Weekend.  Meanwhile, Kellogg ’12 Jeremy reflected on the 2010-2011 school year at Kellogg.  IMD ’11 Howie was thrilled to learn that his video submission to the Global Business School […]

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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