Winter Quarter is Flying By!

Today is the start of what will be a long few weeks. As I’ve been mentioning in my most recent entries, this is one of the busiest times at Kellogg.  Recruiting season is in full swing and final round interviews necessitate traveling to other cities. Likewise, the academic quarter is also flying by. The Kellogg quarter system means classes go by faster and given we’re already in mid February, that means we’re entering the seventh week of school and final exams are coming up soon.

The one on most of our minds in Microeconomics, better known as MECN. For one, microeconomics isn’t the most provocative topic. Two, it’s also not as relevant as finance, marketing, or strategy in terms of helping people with their job searches. Further, most of us have also had to miss a few classes due to interviews and other commitments, so we have a lot of catching up to do. And finally, many of us are also balancing this class with statistics two(ie DECS) and finance.

But in spite of that, some people haven’t spent much time in their textbooks this quarter, because recruiting demands a lot of attention.  Fortunately for some, it looks like the summer job process has recently  finished.  These people have already sent off their paper work and informed other companies that they were dropping out of the recruiting process. For others, that’s not the case. Some have been fortunate to receive one ore more offers but are still thinking a lot about their options. And a third group, is still proactively searching.  Among those, some haven’t found jobs yet and others may have found jobs but not the job they really want.

In the end, one theme that continues to re-emerge is that the quarter system is fast, and everyone here is pretty exhausted. While on one hand, it’s great to have the opportunity to take more classes and get more experiences throughout the year, on the other hand, you often can’t find enough time to invest in them and in the end you have to cram just to catch up.  Similarly, you have to make more tradeoffs given the workload, especially if you’re still looking for a job.

Either way, it’s been a long quarter and most of us can’t wait for spring break, not only because it means the quarter will be over but also because the sun will re-emerge and all of us get to go on GIM (click here to read my prior post on GIM), the one class that’s still lots of fun. Stay tuned to hear more about my trip to Kenya in March.

Sunday, February 13th, 2011 Business School

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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